Dr. Robertiello belio vos the fomalo homosexual to bo "disturbed" in three areas:


I. The Sexual: Sho has an unconscious perception of intercourse as a destructive act committed by man upon woman; she sees no tenderness in him. Thus she has an unconscious fear of men. S She also suffers from vaginal anesthesia in ability to feel pain or pleasure in this part of the body. II. The Disciplinary: There has been an overly strict inhibiting mother figure. As a consequence, there is an unconscious wish to rebel against social norms; to do what is prohibited, simply for the sake of rebelling.

III. Dependency: There has been severe maternal deprivaAs a result, the Lesbian has an unconscious desire to be "mothered" by another woman.


Dr. Robertiello then made an observation about male homosexuals (did he mean it to apply also to females?) It

has been pointed out, he said, that homosexual men are often unusually attractive. This, This, he felt, was easily explainable, since the more attractive the boy child, the more chance he has of being exposed to a childhood homosexual seduction.

As to treatment, Dr. Robertiello stated that psychoanalytic therapy (no other kind) is the only definiti və treatment. There must be an uncovering and a resolution of childhood conflicts. He claims to have cured threc girls completely.

Dr. Robertiello does not, however, wish to imply that all or most Lesbians are treatable. Two of the three he treated wanted to change; the third (whom he described in his book) did not wish to change, but came because of a deep anxiety condition Thus, he concludes, the patient must either have some basic dissatisfaction with herself, or must have some objective symptom, in order for a cure to be possible. He added that the "feminine" type of Lesbian has a better therapeutic prognosis than the "butch".

Treatment requires at least 2 sessions per week over a period of 4 or 5 years. Dr. Robertiello said the number of Lesbians in analysis increased markedly after his book appeared.

Florence Conrad